Our Safe Browsing Recommendation - DuckDuckGo
For many years now Saint IT have recommended to all our clients that they use DuckduckGo as the primary browser / search engine to use. It is safe, fast and secure and they won’t track your browsing activity. This means you won’t be bombarded with unwanted products and your personal details are kept private.
We still recommend this browser now and many of our employees use this search engine every day. There is an app for Android and Apple devices and you can install the extension and set duckduck go as the default search engine on your PC too.

Is Ecosia Safe - Green Internet Browsing Recommendation
But maybe you’re not just worried about how your personal data is being used online? Maybe you’re also concerned about the environment? Do you know the damage that is being done by Big Tech companies? Are you wondering if there is more you can do? Well! the good news is YES! THERE IS…
Saint IT Ltd are now official supporters of Ecosia.org as the Green Internet Browsing Recommendation
Now you can use an internet search engine that gives back to the environment. Every time you search the internet ANOTHER TREE IS PLANTED.
Download the extension to your browser now or download the app for your mobile device from Google Playstore or the App Store. It literally is a no brainer. It’s still fast, still safe and secure but now you’re planting trees whilst you search too.
Don’t believe us? check this out: https://www.ecosia.org/
Ecosia: Plant Trees While You Search The Web

Ecosia use the profit they make from your searches to plant trees where they are needed most. Get the free browser extension and download the mobile app and plant trees with every search.
with this amazing organisation you literally save the world one search at a time.
At the time of writing this, just look at the stats from their own website: